futuresful explorations

What if we learned from the future?

It starts with a simple question: How do we learn from the future?

Across the globe, individuals, communities, organizations, and movements are grappling with futures, some by curiosity, some by trial and error, and others by sheer necessity. But what if the future wasn’t just about predicting what’s coming—how about actively engaging with and learning from it in real-time. That’s where the initiative steps in with futuresful explorations.

Inspired by the groundbreaking principles of UNESCO’s Futures Literacy and relational approaches, the initiative understands that the future is not a fixed destination—it is a space of possibilities, one that we can access together.

Are you ready to learn from the future? Let’s initiate futuresful explorations.

Toward Futuresful Explorations

Whether it’s through experiential workshops, meaningful dialogues, or immersive experiences in cultural, arts, and educational settings: Our work thrives on co-creation and collaboration. Together, we explore how futures literacy and relational approaches catalyze change—turning ideas into action and transforming visions into realities.

By initiating, curating and facilitating futuresful explorations, we generate transformative insights that empower individuals, organizations, and communities to strive for complexity. Through creative and reflexive practices, we enable a deeper understanding of the worldviews we inhabit and how to influence their update toward transformative action.

Why Futures Literacy and Relational Approaches

In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to learn from the future is more important than ever. Futures Literacy is a unique, field-tested approach that builds on human’s innate ability to imagine and engage with the later-than-now in transformative ways. But it’s not about predicting the future, but about developing the skills to create and adapt to future possibilities as they unfold.

Enriched with relational approaches to transformation and change, we provide services that help develop the capacity to envision multiple futures, experiment with uncertainty, and engage with complexity generatively.

How Creative and Reflexive Practices work

Creative practices or creativity involve using imagination and experimentation to explore new ideas, solutions, and perspectives, often through non-linear or emergent dynamics, enabling immersion and experiential learning.

Reflexive practices or reflexivity encourage self-awareness and critical thinking, prompting individuals to reflect on their own assumptions, biases, and the broader context in which they operate, enabling deeper insights and more adaptive actions.

What the initiative offers

Enhance Futures Capabilities: We help you discover how to apply Futures Literacy in your work, whether you're a leader, innovator, educator, or change-maker.

Facilitate Creative and Reflexive Exposition: Through workshops, interactive sessions, and scenario-building exercises, we offer hands-on opportunities to experiment with alternative futures and expand your creative and reflexive thinking.

Encourage Novelty Exploration: We guide individuals and organizations in cultivating the flexibility to adapt and respond to emergent challenges and opportunities in unexpected ways.

Foster Collaborative Futures: Futures Literacy is an inclusive practice. By engaging diverse voices and perspectives, we help build futures that are not only resilient but also equitable and inclusive.